I'm lucky that my Mother passed my sister and I good skin. That does sound a bit vain I know but I have thin rubbishy traveller hair so that sort of makes up for it. Shamefully enough, at 59 her's is in much better nick than mine. Her generation washed their faces before bed, left a party graciously before midnight and never got drunk. I don't need to tell you how far removed this is from my youth, the reason for my writing this says it all. As it happens, the skin isn't looking too bad with a little help from my friends at Clarins Flash Balm, quite fresh for spring in fact.
However, the weight is a sadder story. I've taken onboard my comments in January and partied hard while everyone else detoxed and it has to be said it was fun, but, many hangovers later I've decided to shape up for summer. Trouble is I've tried Pig to Twig, French women don't get fat, Weightwatchers, Stuffing your face diet, Not Caring Diet and frankly with each one the pounds are piling on. So, in short, I'm confused, totally gaga for losing weight but getting no closer to the goal.
I shall watch Sophie Dahl with interest tonight and see how she pulls it off. In the meantime, a smaller plate a la Liz Hurley, running three times a week and anything to eat in moderation and as long as it's bright and beautiful. I'm going for five a day starting at breakfast, a daily body scrubbing in the shower and cutting down on the bread and pasta. All this washed down with water, water and more water, milk thistle and a washed face before bed. Will it work? No idea, I'll keep you posted.